Pizza Ordering Application using Python With Source Code

The Pizza Ordering Application using Python is python based project. This project is developed using python. Pizza Management System contains a Python Script (, images, and a database file. This Project is GUI based desktop application in Tkinter and is very User-friendly to understand. the pizza Ordering Application using Python contains an admin login area, … Read more

Write a Python Program to Generate a Random Number

In this tutorial, you will learn about writing a python program to generate a random number. Python random numbers between 1 and 10 In this example, we discuss the python random number between 1 and 10.  # Program to generate a random number between 1 and 10 # importing the random module import random print(random.randint(1,10)) … Read more

Python list with Source Code

The python list is a conceptual data structure that includes one or more items, where some items may appear more than once and there is no indexing system with the exception of the first index which always refers to the element at 0. Each item contains a distinct order and if the same value occurs … Read more

Best Python Cheatsheet pdf Download

The Free Pdf Python Cheatsheet for all programmers. When the programmer tries a set of specific topics or works on a project, Cheatsheet is easy to helpful. so the programmer can get valuable information on the cheatsheet .most fraudulent sheets are just a simple list of grammatical rules. Python cheat sheet pdf In this Cheatsheet … Read more

Write a Python Program to Print Multiplication Table

In this python program, we discuss the  Print Multiplication Table using the for loop and while loop. Python Program to Print Multiplication Table using for loop in this program, we will show the  Print Multiplication Table 7 to 9 using For Loop for i in range(7, 9): for j in range(1, 11): print(‘{0} * {1} … Read more

How to Print the Fibonacci sequence in python

in this python program, we discuss the print of a Fibonacci sequence in python Python Program to Print the Fibonacci sequence in this python program, we discuss the Fibonacci sequence in python. and The  Fibonacci sequence is the integer sequence of 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8… nterms = int(input(“Enter The Series Numner “)) … Read more

Python Program to Calculate Power of a Number

In this python program, we discuss the calculation of the power f a number using For loop, While loop, and Pow function. Python Program to Calculate Power of a number using for loop In this python program, we calculate a power a number using for loop.   number = int(input(” Please Enter any Positive Integer … Read more

How to write a Python Program to find all divisors of an integer

In this python program write a program to find all divisors of an integer using the loop function and also used a second while loop function. Write a Python Program to find all divisors of an integer using for loop   num = int(input(“Please enter any integer to find divisors = “)) print(“The Divisors of … Read more

How to write a program to find Square root of a Number in python

In this python program, we discuss finding a square root of a number and in this program, we are using the sqrt and pow function. write a program to find Square root of a Number in python In this program, the user enters the number and he/she calculates the square root of a number using … Read more

Write a Python Program to Calculate Square of a Number

In this python program, we discuss finding the Square of a number in python, and in This program, we use the arithmetic Operators and Function. Python program to find the Square of a Number In this python program, we use the arithmetic Operators to find the Square of a number. Example number = float(input(” Please … Read more

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