Simple Height Calculator In Python With Full Source Code

When it comes to measuring height, the standard unit of measurement is centimeters (cm) in most parts of the world. However, in some countries such as the United States, the standard unit is feet and inches.

Simple Height Calculator In Python With Source Code

If you’re a Python developer and you need to convert a height measurement from feet and inches to centimeters, you can use the following simple Python script. The script prompts the user to enter their height in feet and inches, converts that measurement to centimeters, and then prints the result.


# get user input for feet and inches
feet = int(input("Enter feet: "))
inches = int(input("Enter inches: "))

# calculate total inches
total_inches = feet * 12 + inches

# convert total inches to cm
cm = total_inches * 2.54

# print the result
print("Height: {} cm".format(cm))

This script is very simple to use, and it’s perfect for developers who need to convert height measurements quickly and easily. The script starts by prompting the user to enter their height in feet and inches. The user input is then stored in the variables feet and inches.

Next, the script calculates the total number of inches by multiplying the number of feet by 12 and adding the number of inches. This value is then stored in the variable total_inches.

Finally, the script converts the total number of inches to centimeters by multiplying it by 2.54. This value is then stored in the variable cm. The script then prints the result in the format “Height: X cm”.

You can easily modify this script to suit your needs, whether you’re working on a personal project or a more complex application. With this script, you can easily convert height measurements in Python, making it a valuable tool for developers everywhere.


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