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The library management system project in Python Django with source code Is a web-based application developed in Python and Django framework. This project is managed to library information for the school. it provides us an online platform for management to store and retrieve the book and borrowing records. This project also consists of user-friendly features and functionalities.
Library Management System Django Source Code
The library management system project was also developed using python, Django,SQLite3,HTML,CSS,JavaScript,Ajax,Bootstrap v5.The librarian or staff to log in to this project in order to gain access to the feature of the library management system. The user can store and it’s the book category, book subcategory, book student, and transaction each and every record. The library management system consists of CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) operations in each list or record. In this project, the library staff or library can easily access the store and borrow the transaction of each student.
Project Name | library management system |
Language | Python |
Framework | Django |
Database | SQLite3 |
Library Management System Django Source Code Features
- Login
- Home
- Category Management
- Sub Category Management
- Book Management
- Student Management
- Borrowing Transaction Management
- User Management
- Profile Page
- Update Profile
- Update Password
- Logout
How to Library Management System Django Source Code run?
- Extract the provided source code zip file. (download button is located below)
- Open your Terminal/Command Prompt window
- Run the following commands:
pip install -r requirements.txt python migrate python runserver
- Keep the terminals open and running.
Open a web browser and browse
http://localhost:8000/ or
Login Information
- Username: admin
- Password: admin123