Color Picker in Tkinter Python With Source code

The “Color Picker in Tkinter Python” project involves creating a graphical user interface (GUI) application in Python using the Tkinter library that allows users to pick a color from a color palette. The application will display a window with a button labeled “Pick Color“. When the user clicks the button, a color picker dialog box will be displayed, allowing the user to select a color.

The application will use the ColorChooser module in Tkinter to implement the color picker functionality. The ColorChooser module provides a simple dialog box that displays a color palette and allows the user to select a color. The module returns the RGB values of the selected color, which can be used to set the color of a widget or draw shapes on a canvas.

Color Picker in Tkinter Python

To implement the project, you will need to create a Tkinter window with a button widget. When the button is clicked, you will need to call a function that displays the color picker dialog box and retrieves the selected color. Finally, you will need to use the selected color to set the color of a widget or draw shapes on a canvas.

Overall, the project involves basic GUI programming concepts in Python using the Tkinter library and can be a good introduction to building simple applications with graphical interfaces.

How To Run The Project?

To run the “Color Picker in Tkinter Python” project, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open a Python IDE (Integrated Development Environment) such as PyCharm, IDLE, or Visual Studio Code.
  2. Create a new Python file and give it a name, for example,
  3. Copy the code for the “Color Picker in Tkinter Python” project into the new Python file.
  4. Save the Python file.
  5. Run the Python file using the IDE’s “Run” or “Execute” commands or by typing python in the command prompt or terminal window.

When you run the program, it should display a window with a button labeled “Pick Color”. Clicking on the button should display a color picker dialog box. Selecting a color from the color picker should print the RGB values of the selected color to the console.

Note that you will need to have the Tkinter library installed on your system to run this project. Tkinter is included with most Python distributions, so you should be able to run the project without any additional installations.


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