Write a Python Program to Calculate Compound Interest

Write a Python Program to Calculate Compound Interest

Write a Python Program to Calculate Compound Interest and this python program we are going to learn the concept of Calculate Compound Interest in the python language.

Python Program to Calculate Compound Interest

Future CI = Principal Amount * ( 1 + ROI ) Number of years)

Calculate Compound Interest.


import math  princ_amount = float(input(" Please Enter the Principal Amount : ")) rate_of_int = float(input(" Please Enter the Rate Of Interest   : ")) time_period = float(input(" Please Enter Time period in Years   : "))  ci_future = princ_amount * (math.pow((1 + rate_of_int / 100), time_period))  compound_int = ci_future - princ_amount  print("Future Compound Interest for Principal Amount {0} = {1}".format(princ_amount, ci_future)) print("Compound Interest for Principal Amount {0} = {1}".format(princ_amount, compound_int))

Here the OutPut of this program. 

Please Enter the Principal Amount : 600  Please Enter the Rate Of Interest   : 5  Please Enter Time period in Years   : 5 Future Compound Interest for Principal Amount 600.0 = 765.7689375000002 Compound Interest for Principal Amount 600.0 = 165.76893750000022