Student Information System Project Python With Source code

Student Information System Project Python With Source code

The Student Information System Project Python is a fully-functional desktop application coded in Python. The project contains all the needed functions for Registration of student records. This project was made so that it could make it easier to register student records. This will eventually help you manage all the student records.

Student Information System Project Python Free Source Code

This Student Information System Project Python is a simple project for students studying IT related courses. It is helpful for your assignments and projects. This Student Information System Project Python can benefit students who want to start learning python programming.

Project Student Information System Project Python
Language Python
Coding Tool Python IDLE
Database Only Built-in Python array string


Student Information System Project Python Free Source Code Features

  • Register Student Information
  • Search Current Student Information
  • Delete Existing Student Information
  • Display Overall Student information

source code :-


import os
import platform

global listStd 
listStd = ["pushpam"] 

def manageStudent(): 

	x = "#" * 30
	y = "=" * 28

 |==========    Student Information System    ==========|

Enter 1 : Display Student List 
Enter 2 : Create new Student Record 
Enter 3 : Search Existing Studenti
Enter 4 : Delete Student 

		userInput = int(input("Please select an option: ")) 
	except ValueError:
		exit("\nHy! That's Not A Number")

	if(userInput == 1): 
		print("List Students\n")  
		for students in listStd:
			print("=> {}".format(students))

	elif(userInput == 2): 
		newStd = input("Enter New Student: ")
		if(newStd in listStd):  
			print("\nThis Student {} Already In The Database".format(newStd))  #Error Message
			print("\n=> New Student {} Successfully Add \n".format(newStd))
			for students in listStd:
				print("=> {}".format(students))	

	elif(userInput == 3): 
		srcStd = input("Enter Student Name To Search: ")
		if(srcStd in listStd): 
			print("\n=> Record Found Of Student {}".format(srcStd))
			print("\n=> No Record Found Of Student {}".format(srcStd)) #Error Message

	elif(userInput == 4): 
		rmStd = input("Enter Student Name To Remove: ")
		if(rmStd in listStd):  
			print("\n=> Student {} Successfully Deleted \n".format(rmStd))
			for students in listStd:
				print("=> {}".format(students))
			print("\n=> No Record Found of This Student {}".format(rmStd)) #Error Message
	elif(userInput < 1 or userInput > 4): 
		print("Please Enter Valid Option")		


def runAgain(): 
	runAgn = input("\nWant to continue y/n?: ")
	if(runAgn.lower() == 'y'):
		if(platform.system() == "Windows"): 



How to run this project ?

  • Copy the source code in this site.
  • Open you code editor
  • Paste this code.
  • save this file using extention .py .
  • Run the py file to launch the program


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