Pharmacy Management System Project Source Code Python

pharmacy management system project source code python

The pharmacy management system project source code python is a project that will help you keep track of your pharmacy inventory. This is a great project for anyone who wants to start their own pharmacy or for those who want to manage their current pharmacy inventory. This project is written in python and is open source.

Pharmacy Management System Project in Python

The pharmacy management system project source code python was created using only Python programming language. It is a user-friendly kind of system that can be modified and implemented in your working  Mini projects. The system provides you with a simple and fantasy function that can manage the pharmacy sale and billing. It can also allow you to calculate the total sale of your products and manage the product.

A highlight of Pharmacy Management System Project in Python

Language Python
Tool used Python IDLE
Database CSV file format


Pharmacy Management System Project in Python Features

  • Add Medicin
  • Search Current Medicine
  • Calculate Total Sale
  • Data Inputted Stored as CSV
  • Can Add Supplier
  • Update Current Medicine
  • Calculate Total Sales By Month

How to run this project?

  • You will have to download & install the Python IDLEs, here’s the link.
  • Extract the zip file.
  • Open the extracted folder
  • Locate the py file.
  • Then open the file via python IDLE.
  • Run the py file to launch the program.

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