Python Program to Calculate Electricity Bill with Source Code

In This Tutorials how to calculate  to Calculate Electricity Bill with an example. Python Program to find Electricity Bill with source code In this example how to find Electricity Bill in  python with usage to meter reading. Python Program to Calculate Electricity Bill units = int(input(” Please enter Number of Units you Consumed : “)) … Read more

Python Program to find cube of a number

In this tutorial, We learn to Python Program to find cube of a number with example. Python program to find cube of a number Written below to  find cube of a number in python. # Owner : Author : Pushpam abhishek number = int(input(“Enter the number: “)) cube = number ** 3 print(“The cubed … Read more

Calendar Program in Python With Example

In this tutorial, We learn to Write a Python Program to Print the calendar of a given month and year with example. Python Calendar Program  Example In this program we show the program to display the Calendar. import calendar year = int(input(“Please Enter the year Number: “)) month = int(input(“Please Enter the month Number: “)) … Read more

Write a python program to perform arithmetic operations With Example

This Python program allows the user to input two numeric values of data type float (a number with a decimal point). The program then performs arithmetic operations on those numbers by allowing the user to choose from various commands, including “add” (to add one number to another), and “mod” (to find the modulus of one … Read more

Write a python program to multiply two numbers

  In this tutorial, we are shown the Write a Python program to multiply two numbers Numbers. Here is The Example to multiply the two numbers.and more easy to run this code for any IDE. num1 = int(input(“Please Enter the First Number to Multiply = “)) num2 = int(input(“Please Enter the second Number to Multiply … Read more

Write a Program to Subtract Two Numbers

In this tutorial, we are shown the program to subtract Two Number How to Write a Program to Subtract Two Numbers Here is The Example to subtract the two numbers. num1 = 258 num2 = 125 sub = num1 – num2 print(‘The Result of subtracting {0} from {1} = {2}’.format(num2,num1,sub)) This program example accepts two … Read more

Write a Program to Add two Numbers

Write a simple program with python code examples for order to show and we are going to add two numbers using Arithmetic Operators. Python program to add two numbers with user input In this tutorial we learn write a program to add two numbers and allow the user values. Next We will add one … Read more

Write a sample Python program

Write a sample Python program. It could be a traditional program to print out “Hello World” or any custom message. It’s just the basics of Python but they’ll help you get started and understand the fundamental parts of syntax and grammar, very similar to how we learned to read as children by starting off with … Read more

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